8. Christopher Richardson

12 year old Christopher Phillipe [Philepe?] Richardson (5'0", 85lbs, DOB 30 Oct 1968) lived at 1495 Conway Road, East Lake Meadows, near Memorial, with his grandparents. His family, as listed in the obituaries, are as follows: Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Charley Radford and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richardson, Sr. (grandmother?, Betty, 53). Great grandmothers Louise Radford, and Mrs. C.W. Griffin of Albany, GA. Mother Sirlena R. Cobb was not located at time of Chris' death. His father, Thomas Richardson, Jr., was serving 15 years for armed robbery at Reidsville and his stepfather was serving a year for theft by taking. Brothers Kinnon and Thomas Richardson III. Uncle Roy Radford.
Christopher attended Hooper-Alexander Elementary.
He was last seen outside a Krystal Hamburgers near the Belvedere Plaza Shopping Center on Memorial, walking towards the DeKalb County's Midway Recreation Center in Midway Park "for a swim." He was wearing blue shorts, a light blue shirt, and blue tennis shoes.
1330 Monday 09 June 1980
Christopher attended Hooper-Alexander Elementary.
He was last seen outside a Krystal Hamburgers near the Belvedere Plaza Shopping Center on Memorial, walking towards the DeKalb County's Midway Recreation Center in Midway Park "for a swim." He was wearing blue shorts, a light blue shirt, and blue tennis shoes.
1330 Monday 09 June 1980

The bodies of Earl Terrell & (probably) Christopher Richardson were found in this wooded area, 75 feet north of Redwine, by a resident's dog. The resident came to police who were conducting a search nearby for Lubie Geter to report that his dog smelled bad and was thought to have been nosing in "something".
Each body was missing some clothes. Atlanta investigators accidentally left body parts including teeth at the scene.
Both boys' causes of death were undetermined.
Many items were found nearby, such as shotgun shells, a Penthouse magazine, a "Gallery" magazine, a cigarette butt, and magnetic recording tape. Fingerprints from the magazines were matched with someone the task force did not "consider a strong suspect in this case."
Richardson's body was clothed in unfamiliar swim trunks, and medical examiners first said his teeth did not match Richardson's dental records.
09 Jan 1981
Each body was missing some clothes. Atlanta investigators accidentally left body parts including teeth at the scene.
Both boys' causes of death were undetermined.
Many items were found nearby, such as shotgun shells, a Penthouse magazine, a "Gallery" magazine, a cigarette butt, and magnetic recording tape. Fingerprints from the magazines were matched with someone the task force did not "consider a strong suspect in this case."
Richardson's body was clothed in unfamiliar swim trunks, and medical examiners first said his teeth did not match Richardson's dental records.
09 Jan 1981
The funeral was held Sat., Jan. 17, 2:00 p.m. at Salem Baptist Church, 2183 Baker Rd., Atlanta, Ga, with Rev. Jasper Williams pastor, and Rev. Paul Roberts officiating. He was buried in Kennedy Memorial Gardens. The visitation was from 7-8 p.m. Friday at the residence. The cortege was at 12:30 p.m. (Trimier and Evans, Atlanta Metropolitan Funeral Service, Inc. 2199 Candler Rd. 289-9295)